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home business online

10 reasons for starting a home business online.
  1. You want to escape the rat race. You'd rather spend the 2 hours you waste every day with your family, or on a hobby. Running your own business online you can stop the commute, and you can feel good because you are helping to cut pollution too.
  2. You can work part time building your new home business online until you see it taking off. You aren't giving up your bill paying regular job to jump in without any income.
  3. It's possible to start a home business online with very little outlay. web hosting is cheaper than a bricks and mortar shop front. You already have the pc to access the net, it can start working for its keep.
  4. You can choose your own hours. If you have an appointment to keep in the morning, start your online work in the afternoon. No one can tell you "you can't have that week off in August, Bill got in first"
  5. If you work harder you can benefit directly, you put more hours in and your online business makes more profit, your wages go up. Your salary isn't fixed by someone else’s view of what you're worth.
  6. A lot of online business tasks can be automated, using readily available tools. Emails can be automatically sent by auto responders, even regularly asked questions can be sorted and answered by software.
  7. A website works 24 hours a day without complaining. Even if you're on holiday your online business website can be working online for you bringing in money.
  8. Your online business can be as far reaching as you want, it can offer something for your local community. It can equally sell to people around the world, without penalty. It doesn't cost any extra to send an email to Australia, or for your website to be used to make a purchase by someone in Europe.
  9. Starting a home business online means you have a continuously growing market as more and more people come online everyday.
  10. Its dress down day everyday. You can work in your pyjamas if you want, nobody's going to stop you in your own home. No more suits and ties unless you want to wear them, but that's your choice.

internet jobs

Internet Jobs

There was well over one million searches last month on the internet for home businesses. This means numerous people either aren’t happy where they’re at – they need more money or they want to be home raising their kids.

Think about it – people are either working so hard to pay the bills that they can’t slow down and enjoy life or they struggle to pay the bills and thus their life is stress and endless worry. Look at all the home foreclosures each month – it’s unbelievable.

However, while most people really want what a successful home business has to offer they usually aren’t prepared to make that a reality.

Let’s talk here about belief – all great accomplishments start with a seed of belief. But for that seed of belief to grow into a great accomplishment it needs a lot of water and nourishment – especially at first.

The key is to nourish that seed of belief so it grows – that seed of belief is very vulnerable at first – it can easily die as it has no roots.

Right after someone has started a home business is when it’s most vulnerable. Your brother in law Butch will say – are you some kind of moron – those home business things don’t work – my cousins Clem and Jethro didn’t make a dime in the entire 2 hours they spent working. Of course who’s to doubt a business giant like Butch – after all he just advanced to the rank of assistant night supervisor at the Quickmart after 7 short years.

Are you on fire? I heard a preacher once say – are you on fire? Or are you trying to put out someone else’s fire.

If you’re not on fire – I mean a raging fire what happens to a tiny flicker of flame – it easily goes out with the first wind.

However, a raging fire doesn’t go out with the first wind – actually when the winds blow it just serves to make the fire grow even hotter. You can go away and that fire will continue to burn where you planted it.

Actually we are all one of the following three types of people, which one of these are you.

People that make things happen

People that get on board with those who make things happen and

People like Butch that wonder – what happened.

As a kid why did you never have trouble getting up on Christmas morning? Two reasons really – because you knew that something really good was going to happen to you. But two you had an unshakeable belief that there would be presents under the tree. Hence the great excitement and anticipation thus creating a great positive attitude.

The secret is extraordinary people are excited to get up everyday and so should we. By believing something great will happen each day we bring together unseen forces to help us. Plus this attitude attracts the right people to aid us in accomplishing great things.

Anybody can get excited over something good that’s a sure deal – like Christmas. However, what separates the extraordinary from the ordinary are those who have the vision to see what others can’t see in the future and take action.

There are two roads in life. One is a very broad and paved road and the amazing thing about this road is that you don’t have to look for it or have directions to find it. By simply doing nothing it will find you and in 40 years or less on this giant freeway it will take you to the twin over-populated cities of Regret and Failure.

On the other hand there is another much harder to find road as it’s simply a bare unmarked trail at the beginning and many people walk past it everyday without noticing. But once in a while to the weary, searching traveler it opens up a glimpse of the great vision it contains waiting at trails end.

The great thing about being on this second road is you meet other travelers who make traveling easier and considerably much more fun.

Everyone on this road sees something fascinatingly different “on down the road.” Walt Disney saw Disneyland and Epcot Center on this road. Orville and Wilbur Wright could see the future of air travel. Henry Ford could see a nation of automobiles. Our founding fathers could see a land of free men in a country that was the greatest land of freedom of opportunity the world had ever known.

So if you dare we invite you to take this path on the “Journey of No Regrets.” Where the hardest step is always the first.

work at home

Work at home? Why should I start a home based business?

Start your new work at home business today. The right time to find a work at home opportunity is right now. There has never been a better time or opportunity to make money online working at home in front of your computer. With so many people using the Internet it has become easier than ever to make money online. Home businesses are an increasingly popular option for people seeking a way to earn an income in a way that better fits their lifestyle.

Don't delay! The conditions will never be exactly what you want them to be. You'll never have all the time you need, and you get confidence and expertise by doing, not by thinking and studying. The big question is "Why should I start working at home?". Here is a quick list of reasons why you should take a serious look at having your own home-based businesses and join this Business Opportunity following the work at home idea.


At every stage in life a person should build income streams as they become available. The Internet has made this more possible than ever. Most people dream an automatic internet money machine. They want to make money through Internet facilities. Work at home business can give you the financial vehicle to break free of chains. Because of the automation of the Internet you can create multiple streams of income for you and your family. The computer does all the mundane things most of us don’t like doing and you can literally have a business working for you 24 hours a day, worldwide, even when you sleep. You can now work at home with today’s low cost technology (internet, computer, etc.) that gives you all the capabilities of a large corporation.


Most people work for someone else and they have to go by someone else's schedule. When you work at home, you work for yourself, you're the boss, and you can do what you want when you want. It's nice to set your own schedule. If you need to take two days off, you can. You have to make it up somewhere, but you don't have to worry about letting your boss down or asking for the time two weeks in advance. When you start a home based business, you control your destiny! You get 100% of the profit from all your hard work and you have no boss and no one to answer to. This is an incredible feeling of freedom and peace to 99% of the people who experience it.


The biggest blessing that will come from a "work at home" job is being able to be home and watch your children grow. It does not matter how much money you make, if you have to give up YOUR LIFE just to get it.

Remember ... Internet is completely changing how people are doing business. It allows you to work all types of business from home to anywhere in the world and make very good money doing it. Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today. If you want to start a business, don't put it off. There will never be a better time than now. Things in your life will never be at the "perfect" place for starting a business. Today is the perfect day. Make that life-changing decision that will allow you complete control over your future. Start a work at home business and your only regret will be that someone didn’t show you how to do this sooner.

home based business

Home Based Businssss

There was well over one million searches last month on the internet for home businesses. This means numerous people either aren’t happy where they’re at – they need more money or they want to be home raising their kids.

Think about it – people are either working so hard to pay the bills that they can’t slow down and enjoy life or they struggle to pay the bills and thus their life is stress and endless worry. Look at all the home foreclosures each month – it’s unbelievable.

However, while most people really want what a successful home business has to offer they usually aren’t prepared to make that a reality.

Let’s talk here about belief – all great accomplishments start with a seed of belief. But for that seed of belief to grow into a great accomplishment it needs a lot of water and nourishment – especially at first.

The key is to nourish that seed of belief so it grows – that seed of belief is very vulnerable at first – it can easily die as it has no roots.

Right after someone has started a home business is when it’s most vulnerable. Your brother in law Butch will say – are you some kind of moron – those home business things don’t work – my cousins Clem and Jethro didn’t make a dime in the entire 2 hours they spent working. Of course who’s to doubt a business giant like Butch – after all he just advanced to the rank of assistant night supervisor at the Quickmart after 7 short years.

Are you on fire? I heard a preacher once say – are you on fire? Or are you trying to put out someone else’s fire.

If you’re not on fire – I mean a raging fire what happens to a tiny flicker of flame – it easily goes out with the first wind.

However, a raging fire doesn’t go out with the first wind – actually when the winds blow it just serves to make the fire grow even hotter. You can go away and that fire will continue to burn where you planted it.

Actually we are all one of the following three types of people, which one of these are you.

People that make things happen

People that get on board with those who make things happen and People like Butch that wonder – what happened.

As a kid why did you never have trouble getting up on Christmas morning? Two reasons really – because you knew that something really good was going to happen to you. But two you had an unshakeable belief that there would be presents under the tree. Hence the great excitement and anticipation thus creating a great positive attitude.

The secret is extraordinary people are excited to get up everyday and so should we. By believing something great will happen each day we bring together unseen forces to help us. Plus this attitude attracts the right people to aid us in accomplishing great things.

Anybody can get excited over something good that’s a sure deal – like Christmas. However, what separates the extraordinary from the ordinary are those who have the vision to see what others can’t see in the future and take action.

There are two roads in life. One is a very broad and paved road and the amazing thing about this road is that you don’t have to look for it or have directions to find it. By simply doing nothing it will find you and in 40 years or less on this giant freeway it will take you to the twin over-populated cities of Regret and Failure.

On the other hand there is another much harder to find road as it’s simply a bare unmarked trail at the beginning and many people walk past it everyday without noticing. But once in a while to the weary, searching traveler it opens up a glimpse of the great vision it contains waiting at trails end.

The great thing about being on this second road is you meet other travelers who make traveling easier and considerably much more fun.

Everyone on this road sees something fascinatingly different “on down the road.” Walt Disney saw Disneyland and Epcot Center on this road. Orville and Wilbur Wright could see the future of air travel. Henry Ford could see a nation of automobiles. Our founding fathers could see a land of free men in a country that was the greatest land of freedom of opportunity the world had ever known.

So if you dare we invite you to take this path on the “Journey of No Regrets.” Where the hardest step is always the first.

pay per click

Pay Per Click

Pay per click or search engine optimization, which one should you use? Many view PPC marketing as a colossal waste of money while others disdain search engine optimization. In reality, the two marketing strategies form a perfect marriage.

Pay-Per-Click - PPC

PPC marketing is a love it or hate platform. For the “love it” crowd, PPC marketing is a way to get instant exposure and feedback on site designs. In a matter of minutes, you can start receiving traffic and adjusting your site to convert the traffic at the best rate possible. For those in the “hate it” crowd, bids are to high and one never knows how may of the clicks are fake and worthless.

Search Engine Optimization – SEO

As with PPC, seo marketing has its proponents and detractors. Those who love it look at the free traffic and glorious profitability of a site that converts the traffic at a decent rate. Detractors view seo as an unnecessary waste of time since it can take a year or more to get high rankings, particularly on Google. Detractors also argue that high listings are subject to changes in the search engine ranking process, which means you can lose your rankings.

So, who is right? In truth, both sides make accurate arguments. PPC is expensive and click fraud is a monstrous problem. Seo produces free traffic, but it takes along time to get to the top and rankings are subject to the whims of search engine ranking changes. The truth, of course, is both marketing platforms should be used whenever possible.

Marketing Marriage

Every site is unique, but most should combine PPC and seo marketing as part of an overall internet marketing strategy. When starting out, the PPC campaign is critical for getting immediate traffic and tweaking the site to maximize conversions. At the same time, a seo campaign should be undertaken. As the site rises in search results, the PPC campaign should be fazed out for the relevant high listings.

PPC and seo marketing are not mutually exclusive. When married together as part of an overall marketing strategy, both platforms will deliver the goods.


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Functions of Money

Functions of money

The basic function of money is to enable buying to be separated from selling, thus permitting trade to take place without the so-called double coincidence of arter. In principle, credit could perform this function, but, before extending redit, the seller would want to know about the prospects of repayment. That equires much more information about the buyer and imposes costs of information and verification that the use of money avoids.

If a person has something to sell and wants something else in return, the use of money avoids the need to search for someone able and willing to make the desired exchange of items. The person can sell the surplus item for general purchasing power - that is, “money” - to anyone who wants to buy it and then use the proceeds to buy the desired item from anyone who wants to sell it.

The importance of this function of money is dramatically illustrated by the experience of Germany just after World War II, when paper money was rendered largely useless because of price controls that were enforced effectively by the American, French, and British armies of occupation. Money rapidly lost its value. People were unwilling to exchange real goods for Germany's depreciating currency. They resorted to barter or to other inefficient money substitutes. Price controls reduced incentives to produce. The country's economic output fell by half. Later the German “economic miracle” that took root just after 1948 reflected, in part, a currency reform instituted by the occupation authorities that replaced depreciating money with money of stable value. At the same time, the reform eliminated all price controls, thereby permitting a money economy to replace a barter economy.

These examples have shown the “medium of exchange” function of money. Separation of the act of sale from the act of purchase requires the existence of something that will be generally accepted in payment. But there must also be something that can serve as a temporary store of purchasing power, in which the seller holds the proceeds in the interim between the sale and the subsequent purchase or from which the buyer can extract the general purchasing power with which to pay for what is bought. This is called the “asset” function of money.

Anything can serve as money that habit or social convention and successful experience endow with the quality of general acceptability, and a variety of items have so served - from the wampum (beads made from shells) of American Indians, to cowries in India, to whales' teeth among the Fijians, to tobacco among early colonists in North America, to large stone disks on the Pacific island of Yap, to cigarettes in post-World War II Germany and in prisons the world over. In fact, the wide use of cattle as money in primitive times survives in the word pecuniary, which comes from the Latin pecus, meaning cattle. The development of money has been marked by repeated innovations in the objects used as money.

The use of metal for money can be traced back to Babylon more than 2000 years BC, but standardization and certification in the form of coinage did not occur except perhaps in isolated instances until the 7th century BC. Historians generally ascribe the first use of coined money to Croesus, king of Lydia, a state in Anatolia. The earliest coins were made of electrum, a natural mixture of gold and silver, and were crude, bean-shaped ingots bearing a primitive punch mark certifying to either weight or fineness or both.

The use of coins enabled payment to be by “tale,” or count, rather than weight, greatly facilitating commerce. But this in turn encouraged “clipping” (shaving off tiny slivers from the sides or edges of coins) and “sweating” (shaking a bunch of coins together in a leather bag and collecting the dust that was thereby knocked off) in the hope of passing on the lighter coin at its face value. The resulting economic situation was described by Gresham's law (that “bad money drives out good” when there is a fixed rate of exchange between hem): heavy, good coins were held for their metallic value, while light coins were passed on to others. In time the coins became lighter and lighter and prices higher and higher. As a means of correcting this problem, payment by weight would be resumed for large transactions, and there would be pressure for recoding. These particular defects were largely ended by the “milling” of coins (making serrations around the circumference of a coin), which began in the late 17th century.

A more serious problem occurred when the sovereign would attempt to benefit from the monopoly of coinage. In this respect, Greek and Roman experience offers an interesting contrast. Solon, on taking office in Athens in 594 BC, did institute a partial debasement of the currency. For the next four centuries (until the absorption of Greece into the Roman Empire) the Athenian drachma had an almost constant silver content (67 grains of fine silver until Alexander, 65 grains thereafter) and became the standard coin of trade in Greece and in much of Asia and Europe as well. Even after the Roman conquest of the mediterranean peninsula in roughly the 2nd century BC, the drachma continued to be minted and widely used.

The Roman experience was very different. Not long after the silver denarius’s, patterned after the Greek drachma, was introduced about 212 BC, the prior copper coinage began to be debased until, by the onset of the empire, its weight had been reduced from 1 pound (about 450 grams) to half an ounce (about 15 grams). By contrast the silver denarius’s and the gold aurous (introduced about 87 BC) suffered only minor debasement until the time of Nero (AD 54), when almost continuous tampering with the coinage began. The metal content of the gold and silver coins was reduced, while the proportion of alloy was increased to three-fourths or more of its weight. Debasement in Rome (as ever since) used the state's profit from money creation to cover its inability or unwillingness to finance its expenditures through explicit taxes. But the debasement in turn raised prices, worsened Rome's economic situation, and contributed to the collapse of the empire.

Experience had shown that carrying large quantities of gold, silver, or other metals proved inconvenient and risked loss or theft. The first use of paper money occurred in China more than 1,000 years ago. By the late 18th and early 19th centuries paper money and banknotes had spread to other parts of the world. The bulk of the money in use came to consist not of actual gold or silver but of fiduciary money - promises to pay specified amounts of gold and silver. These promises were initially issued by individuals or companies as banknotes or as the transferable book entries that came to be called deposits. Although deposits and banknotes began as claims to gold or silver on deposit at a bank or with a merchant, this later changed. Knowing that everyone would not claim his or her balance at once, the banker (or merchant) could issue more claims to the gold and silver than the amount held in safekeeping. Bankers could then invest the difference or lend it at interest. In periods of distress, however, when borrowers did not repay their loans or in case of over issue, the banks could fail.